
Municipal workers remain on strike

More than 1 200 municipal workers remain on strike at the Steve Tshwete municipality as negotiations on Wednesday morning between SAMWU and the municipality remained ongoing.

Several municipal services have been affected, including rubbish collection and the immediate restoration of electricity to several parts of town due to faults.

A pipe burst which cut off water supply to Eastdene and the Industrial Area on Tuesday night is yet to be attended to. SAMWU spokesperson Frans Selolo said that strikers demands to have agreements fully implemented are yet to reach a tangible stage.

“The strike will continue indefinitely until we are satisfied with the negotiations,” he said.

The situation at the municipality was calm on Tuesday morning with no sign of a violent outburst. Only a small contingent of strikers had gathered on the lawn outside the municipal buildings.

Private security guards have been deployed to the entrances of the building and the SAPS maintain a visible presence.

The issue stems from agreements reached when municipal workers last went on strike – on 2 September and 25 November last year.

“We reached agreements with the employer in December 2015 and we are demanding that these agreements are fully implemented. This is the reason for the strike,” Selolo said.

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