Children traumatised after bloody assault

A tense standoff between 250 Avanza Scholar Transport and Taxi Association members and the local traffic department ensued on Thursday after a traffic officer assaulted one of Avanza's drivers by hitting him over the head with his firearm.

The assault on Skumbuzo Gama took placei n front of the 13 school children he drove from Mhluzi to Eastdene Combined.

The children were so traumatized by the event that they had to be taken home.

Also read: Community assault nyaope boy

Avanza Scholar Transport and Taxi Association Chairperson Ms Mavis Shabangu.


Gama was arrested which spurred fellow Avanza members to flock to the municipal magazine where they demanded that his impounded minibus be released without costs.

Also read: Makola in court for assault and theft

Almost the entire traffic department responded to calls for backup at the magazine where gathering Avanza members were threatened with arrest.

• Read the full article in the latest edition of the Middelburg Observer out now.

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