Coffin duo in hospital after faulty paperwork lands them with hardened criminals

Faulty paperwork, signed by judge Sheila Mphahele, sent them to the wrong prison ward, where hardened criminals serving life sentences are kept.

The two men sentenced to jail time for shoving a man into a coffin, are currently being held in the prison’s hospital. This after faulty paperwork, signed by judge Sheila Mphahele, sent them to the wrong prison ward, where hardened criminals serving life sentences are kept.

Elsabe Juyn, part of their legal team, said that Willem Oosthuyzen and Theo Jackson’s detention warrants read that they were sentenced to 25 and 27 years instead of the 11 and 14 years they were handed down in court.

Read: #CoffinAssault duo gets with hefty sentence, slapped with summons to appear in equality court

Correctional Services officers realised the mistake and decided to keep them in hospital for time being until it could be rectified.

Oosthuyzen and Jackson were found guilty of two counts of assault with the intent to cause grievous bodily harm, kidnapping, attempted murder as well as an additional charge of defeating the administration of justice for Jackson.

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