Panic over rape, murder in Middelburg town

The public are advised to exercise extreme caution around the area close to the railway tracks behind the technical high school in John Magagula Street. This is Middelburg's latest danger zone and crime hotspot.

It has always been a relatively isolated area where criminals prey on members of the public walking on foot, including mostly school children who are soft targets.

But it seems the area is now almost lawless and getting worse – resulting in escalating levels of panic in the community.

Last Saturday a young Mozambican man was murdered in the area and according to Police a trail of blood indicate that the victim was murdered and dragged across the railway.

He died due to multiple stab wounds to his chest.

And on Wednesday morning a domestic worker was raped in the immediate vicinity.

Police have urge the public to rather stick to the roads and avoid using shortcuts.

No arrests have been made in either the rape or the murder.

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