
VIDEO: Doctor arrested after ‘slap’

A medical doctor and her daughter were charged with assault with the intent to cause grievous bodily harm and spent a night in the police cells, after an altercation about a patient’s medical claim form turned sour.

Dr Mildred Chauke and her daughter Audrey is still stunned after the incident on Saturday 9 August.

They called the Middelburg Observer for an interview shortly before they were scheduled to appear in court on Monday morning.

Dr Chauke said that the incident started when a patient demanded his signed medical claim form back.

She claims that Desmond Mthombeni was under the influence of alcohol when he brought his wife, Wandile, to the Middelburg Med 24 clinic for medical attention.

After the consultation Mr Mthombeni allegedly refused the medicine and asked for a prescription so he could get medicine from another pharmacy.

According to Dr Chauke he insisted on having his claim form back.

“I explained to him that he cannot have it back because we need it to claim his consultation from his medical aid, even if he does get the medicine from somewhere else.”

CCTV camera footage shows an agitated Mr Mtombeni in the reception area. An hour later he returns with two policemen. A female officer walks in and sits down on a chair whilst a male officer accompanies Mr Mthombeni to the reception desk.

The footage shows Dr Chauke and the men conversing.

She claims that she once again tried to explain why they could not give the form back. A police source claims that she was repeatedly insulting the officer claiming that he was uneducated.

Hand gestures that become more and more agitated show how the situation reaches boiling point.

When the police officer manages to get the form in hand, Dr Chauke first sends her security guards to reclaim it before she herself moves around the counter and gets into a physical confrontation with the officer.

The form is torn and rumpled up in the process. Dr Chauke claims that the officer stood on it at some stage, refusing to hand it back to her.

Shortly thereafter more police officers were called to the scene. Dr Chauke was led away to a police vehicle outside and taken to the police cells.

She says that upon arrival at the charge office, she was assaulted because she sat on the officers’s pizzas which were in boxes in the back of the vehicle.

“Why are they making such a fuss about a claim form? It has got nothing to do with the police. It is a confidential medical document.”

Dr Chauke said that the police officer and Mr Mtombeni are known friends who “drink” together.

“When I call the police to assist in serious matters like my staff being assaulted, they don’t even bother to come. But when a patient has a complaint about a claim form they send the whole police force?”

Mrs Chauke rushed to the charge office after learning of her mother’s arrest. She said that she was assaulted and stuffed into a police cell whilst trying to find out why her mother was behind bars.

“They threw me in the cells without even charging me.”

“I tried to intervene and pleaded that they leave my daughter alone because their fight was with me. But I had to look on helplessly from behind bars as she was assaulted,” says Dr Chauke.

A source within the police said that Mrs Chauke made a scene and swore at police officers, leaving them no choice but to lock her up with her mother.

Mother and daughter were released on R1 500 bail after 01:00 in the morning after their legal representation arrived.

Dr Chauke claims that police officers refused to help her when she went to the charge office on Sunday to open a case of assault against the police officers involved.

The outcome of their first court appearance was not known at the time of going to press. Dr Chauke said that she plans on taking civil action against the state.

•According to capt. Khanyisile Zwane, Middelburg Police spokesperson, the help of the police were called in after a fight broke out between a doctor and a patient.

The officers on the scene demanded to see the form to try and find out why the patient was unhappy and diffuse the situation.

The form got damaged when the officer was trying to read the form and was allegedly attacked by Dr Chauke.

It was torn when she tried to pry it out of his hands. The offficer stood on the form to try and preserve it.

The officer sustained injuries to his arm and mouth. A counter charge of assault has been registered against him and is currently at court for state prosecutors to decide whether they want to proceed with the case.

The officer’s name is being withheld pending the outcome of the court decision on the charge against him.



  1. This Doctor is very rude she does not qualify to be a doctor because it means she could fight with her patients.No one is safe near her even Police Officers.She must be removed in practicing as a doctor.The community of Middelburg should be warned about such a rude doctor in town.I wonder if she is married because her husband is being abused by her and he is afraid to report because he could be beaten up by this rude wife/doctor.Shame unto her she is a disgrace.She needs God mercy in her life so that she will be able to control her anger that is discrediting and embarrassing her profession.

  2. LOL … I see the African renaissance is back on track. I told you witch doctors are what they need

  3. Undermining of woman in south africa is still rife . the DR she is a very dicipline woman whom . i know her for long . some of south african man who doesnt value woman . think that every woman their provoke will behave the same . unfortunately some woman will respond with anger . gentleman , asehlonipheni abafaze pls ,to build a better world .

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