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Video: Strike in front of Midwater Spar

“Why? Why? Why? Why? People are suffering,” sang striking workers outside Midwater Spar after they embarked on a strike on Tuesday afternoon.

Bystanders said that they were prevented from entering the store when the entrance was blocked by trolleys and dancing workers.

The help of police as well as Midwater Centre security were called in to contain the situation.

Midwater Spar management said that workers recently complained that they are working too many hours.

Their shifts were then revised so they would work less hours, but that meant that they did not receive as much money as they used to. Workers complain that they have not been paid all the money owed to them for overtime.

Surrounding businesses, like L’Detz were affected by the strike because of striking workers blocking their entrance.

Police and security were called to the scene to monitor the situation and ensure safe access to shoppers.

Spar management said that business will continue as usual and that casual staff will be appointed to make up for staff shortages.

Also read: Road cleared for now, protest set to continue

Police on high alert as protesters block entrance to Mhluzi

Police and security guards remain on the scene to monitor the situation.

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