
Community assault nyaope boy

Yolanda Mphuthi (33) who lives in Burundi (Extension 23) in Mhluzi, said that she was busy preparing for the planned power outage and possible water shortage on Sunday 23 May.

She went outside her house shortly after 18:00 on Saturday night to fetch water from a tap.

“I took the first bucket of water inside and came out to fill another. As I picked up the bucket to carry it inside, there was a man standing in front of me,” Mrs Mphuthi told the Middelburg Observer.

She said that she did not know the man, neither how he got into her yard.

“I asked him ‘What do you want?’ and that is when he took out a very big knife and stabbed me in the stomach.”

As she fought with her attacker, she screamed for help.

“I thought to myself that I will fight this man and if I die, it will be on top of him. There was blood all over.”

Yolanda Mphuthi said that she was prepared to die when she was attacked by a nyaope boy.
Yolanda Mphuthi said that she was prepared to die when she was attacked by a nyaope boy.

She called out to her husband and nanny who were still inside the house. Her nanny came out to see why she was screaming but it took her a while to realise what was happening.

“We were all so confused at first. We did not know what was happening and I still do not know what the man wanted.”

Neighbours and members of the community who heard Mrs Mphuthi’s screams rushed to help her. A crowd gathered in front of her gate whilst others tried to jump over her wall to get to her.

Her husband opened the gate and Mrs Mphuthi’s attacker escaped into the street.

Before he could get away, he was grabbed and severely assaulted by members of the community.

“Some of the people outside told me that they know the guy, and that he works at a car wash. They were saying that he is a nyaope boy,” Mrs Mphuti says.

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She was rushed to hospital with wounds to her left arm and stomach.

Police came to open a docket. They explained to Mrs Mphuthi that her attacker was seriously injured during the assault by community members and that he has also been taken to hospital.

Srg. Nelisiwe Masemola, Mhluzi police spokesperson, said that Lucky Mashego was arrested and appeared in court on Monday.



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