
Hondsaak – man nooit vervolg

Die man wat in 2011 'n klag van bestualiteit in die gesig gestaar het, is nooit vervolg nie.

Shaun Lee Bezuidehout wat destyds in eMalahleni woonagtig was, is in Middelburg in hegtenis geneem, nadat hy op heterdaad betrap is terwyl hy omgang met ‘n boerboel teef gehad het.

Mense by ‘n huis in Zuidstraat het onraad vermoed toe hulle die hond hoor tjank het.

Toe hulle oor die muur loer om ondersoek in te stel, het hulle die man na bewering in die daad gevang.

Die hond se eienaar was tydens die voorval in die hospitaal vir behandeling.

Sedert Bezuidenhout se eerste verskyning in die hof in Julie, is die saak verskeie kere uitgestel.

Dit is ‘n jaar gelede voorlopig van die hofrol verwyder nadat daar navrae was oor sekere aspek van die dossier.

Die dossier is sedertdien vir opvolg na die polisie teruggestuur, maar nooit weer hof toe gestuur nie.

Daar heers onduidelikheid by die polisie oor wat die status van die dossier is. Die polisiewoordvoerders kon nie voor druktyd daarop reageer nie.


  1. show no mercy & you will be shown none! our creator made all animals & said it was good, to have disrespect for your maker is sad indeed. how many criminals start off by harming gods creations. disgraceful how animals are treated! a blight on humanity.

  2. Put him in jail and hopefully the others will rape him day in and day out! He is an excuse of an human being! I fail to understand why the judge could let a sick maniac free! Give him to the public we will judge him for free!

  3. Ek ken die ou en sy broers, hulle in dieselfde woontel blok as my ouma gebly. Siek siek siek!!!!! En ek laas gehoor hy het Aids ook want hy is gay.

  4. Wat n SIEK mens!!! Ag nee, Bezuidehout is n disgrace vir die samelewing! As sy geslagsdele hom pla moet iemand asseblief dit afsny! Sommer k*k dat mense diere so mishandel.

  5. POS. Your day will come!
    As for the Police – we want answers NOW!! We will follow up until we get answers as to why you lot are so useless. Is it because it is a dog? Best you get your story straight.

  6. This is TOTALLY unacceptable. As for the police, wgat a damn disgrace that your are Incapable of doing yr job. In the long run payment will be made on this sick, demented Bastard. I hope it cones quick.

  7. Hoekom is hierdie saak nie verder op gevolg nie? Waar is die polisie wat nie hulle werk volledig doen nie?

  8. This waste of human flesh is sick, sick, sick!!! He deserves to have the same treatment done to him!! The next time that he gets caught it will be a child! Will there be more of a reaction then?! Please put this person where he deserves to be and that is to rot in jail and never be allowed near any animal ever again!!!

    I do not understand why he is still walking the streets!! What is happening to our country when sick bastards like this can do as they wish and not have to face any consequences!

  9. Sorry, but the SA Police are as guilty as this big man with the small penis for not doing anything about it. This disgusting excuse for a human being should be locked up before he rapes a child next. I hope the poor dog was taken away and has got the love and treatment she deserves. Every animal lover in that area should harass this monster and the police until he does get punished.

  10. Absolute disgrace. This sick excuse for a human being should not be allowed to walk around unpunished.

  11. disgusting that a poor innocent animal does not get justice, just because humanity will not take the responsibilty of their actions! Shame on the police! Lock the monster up and the inmates can have their way with him!!!!!! He deserves nothing less!


  13. This sick guy that could rape a dog needs to be put in to jail and he needs to get the same done by the nmates he will face .. What a pig .. These poor animals why ?

  14. I cant believe that nothing is being done about this and that sick people like him are just allowed to wonder the streets!

  15. Sies man, die ou werk in Nelspruit in die Ilanga Mall,en dis terrible arme dier. Sluit hom toe en gooi die sleutel weg.

  16. This man deserves to rot in a cell. He should serve the same sentence that he would have served had it been a woman or man that he raped. This animal did nothing to deserve this!

  17. Absolutely shocking u sick man!!!!!!!!!!!! U have no respect for yourself let alone animals!!!!!! U should be punished for what u did…

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