
What a long way to boo

The Barnyard Theatre at Casterbridge played host to the supremely talented and ultra-entertaining performer Chris Chameleon. On stage with the former Boo! frontman, bassist and songwriter was Daniella Deysel.

The Barnyard Theatre at Casterbridge played host to the supremely talented and ultra-entertaining performer Chris Chameleon on Saturday.
On stage with the former Boo! frontman, bassist and songwriter was Daniella Deysel. This amazing pair is known as Kat & Wolf.
Deysel’s soaring, soulful voice made the perfect foil to Chameleon’s rich range of sounds, from the super-chirpy and quirky “Apie” to the more thought-provoking “Superman”.

ALSO READ:Chris Chameleon besing die liefde

Deysel’s foot-stomping bass sounds had the audience clapping along, and not even the initial lack of sound from her microphone or the apparently terrifying threat of a spider in the large room was enough to deter the duo, despite the antics of the audience.

“This is the Lowveld after all!” laughed Chameleon. “Perhaps he is a kabel-vreetende spinnekop (cable-eating spider).”


The sound issue wasn’t much of a problem, almost appearing to be intentional. She simply sidled closer and crooned into Chameleon’s microphone in perfect harmony, honeycomb covered in dark chocolate.
These two are clearly a match for each other, no mean feat when you consider Chameleon’s vocal range. Obviously, they take themselves and their music seriously, but with splashes of mirth and jesting between them which made it all the more entertaining.

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Chameleon’s antics remind one of his early days with Boo! when talking just wasn’t his thing, but tottering around on stiletto heels and skimpy skirts was.

Nowadays he sports a more serious moustachioed and waistcoated look, but with all the sparkle of a mischievous imp.

Deysel, statuesque and beautiful, made an extraordinary impression, her beautiful orange and white dress testament to a bygone era of free-spirited bohemian gaiety which brought to mind a young Stevie Nicks.

That is not to say that this show was staid or conservative at all. The air fairly crackled with the connection between Kat & Wolf and coupled with sultry glances it almost seemed as if they had eyes and ears only for each other. This is what a night out on the town is all about.

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