Market gains momentum among the Lowvelders

The SAVF Herfsakker Old Age Home held a bazaar loaded with activities, food, drinks and music on Saturday.

MBOMBELA – The very first bazaar took place in May 1975, with just a few items on offer. Since then it has grown in leaps and bounds, and has become a not-to-be-missed event with young and old looking forward to the first Saturday of each May.

Favourites such as vetkoek, old books, fruit and vegetables, pancakes and home-baked treats were selling quickly this weekend. “The aim is to raise funds so that we can help all the elderly who can’t afford to stay at the various homes for the aged.

At the moment we have about 20 residents who are unable to foot the bill,” said Rosa Pienaar, administrator for finance at  the home.

“I would like to thank the community for its support, people who came and bought something, and the farming community for all the donations, we really appreciate it,” said Piernaar.

Rolleen Jacobs, Jade Timm and Alison Groenewald.

“My interest is in what we call the white elephant table,” said Ms Lindokuhle Ntombela, from a local university. “I guess they are right when they say, ‘one man’s trash is another man’s treasure’. I have a new flat in town and I’m here to buy cutlery and other items that will make my place look amazing.”

Wilna van der Merwe.

The old-age home has 37 single rooms, a frail-care centre with 32 beds and a 13-bed Alzheimer’s unit for women. The bazaar occurs twice a year, and the next one will be on the first weekend of November.

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