Local sport

Lowveld and South Eastern Transvaal rugby legends celebrate their brotherhood at Mbombela Stadium

New friendships were made and old ones renewed by the men who played in the amateur era.

Former Lowveld and South Eastern Transvaal Rugby Union players gathered for a reunion at the restaurant suite at Mbombela Stadium on Saturday.

It was a time of reminiscing, renewing friendships and sharing stories of the old days.

The function started at 11:30 with the master of ceremonies, Chumani Booi, using up all his Afrikaans to welcome the old rugby players, their partners and honorary guests.

The Mpumalanga Rugby Union’s president, AG Visser, and the former president, Hein Mentz, addressed the guests.

Once the formalities were concluded, the former players went down to the pitch to form a ‘tunnel of honour’ for the Pumas and Cheetahs teams to run onto the field for their vital Carling Currie Cup clash.

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The men and their partners then enjoyed the match from the suite seats.

Many a tale was shared about who was the fastest, who should really have won that club match, and about a midnight tractor ride in the main street of Bethlehem after a Bankfin Shield match and some players who could run faster than some policemen.

Rugby brothers who are no longer with us were also remembered.

“I wish to thank all who attended the reunion. Thank you to our Heavenly Father for allowing us to enjoy this momentous occasion. We look forward to the next reunion in 2025,” said Arrie Myburg, the chief organiser and Mpumalanga and Lowveld rugby legend.

“It was an honour to meet up with the old men again and to hear how they have been doing,” said Chris le Grange, one of the former players.

The event was concluded with the guests watching the Springboks defeat the All Blacks on the big screen at the Mpumalanga Agricultural Trade and Family Show, and sharing more stories about the days that made them legends.

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