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New route for Halls parkrun

You will still find Halls parkrun and all its scenery at the same start and finish location, just with a new route.

As from Saturday, the parkrun route has changed slightly.

You will still find Halls parkrun and all its scenery at the same start and finish location, just with a new route.

It will now start off with a sandy incline, which takes you over the R104 highway bridge. You will then continue with the sandy downhill through a orchard and vlei area. Then a straight onto the tarmac, entering a roundabout and exiting on the first turn. This will then go over a bridge suspended over the Mataffin train tracks.

You will then enter a downhill onto pavement and continue until the sandy road begins again. Instead of continuing straight and passing the dairy farm, Halls parkrunners will be greeted by a new route which you will turn left with horses in front of you, then directly right again.

The sandy downhill takes you over the breathtaking scenery of the Crocodile River bridge and a further 500-metre straight stretch from the bridge along side the riverbed until you find the turn around point.

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This will give you a 2,5-kilometre route, then continuing the same way back will make up a total of five kilometres.

Halls parkrun is near Mbombela Stadium and the route brings you up close to nature. Don’t forget your bar code and your smile, as this event is one that should be on your bucket list.

Halls parkrun event has seasonal times so please be sure to check the starting time on the website depending on the month.

For more information, visit www.parkrun.co.za/halls

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