Editor's note

How to handle the end-of-year stress

As we near the end of the year, tempers tend to flare up because everyone is tired and looking forward to a holiday.

I’d be the first one to advocate a holiday in July, because by the time October rolls around, I’m tired. I start looking forward to weekends more and more, and dream about those two weeks in December when I can just laze around the house, catch up on reading, chill out with family and watch TV until I fall asleep.

A family member, who recently visited me calls it ‘November’ and stated that it came early this year. I’m inclined to agree.

With the difficult economic climate, everyone needing to do more for/with less and the drought, it’s no wonder we’re looking forward to the happiness that is December vacation.

I asked my facebook friends for a few tips on how to deal with all the stress during this time of year and received some great tips:

  • Work off all that negative energy and aggression


Go whack a few tennis balls against a wall, play a computer game, go dancing or jogging. Exercise is very therapeutic and also gives you time to calm down and think things through.


  • Plan your holiday


My December holiday is already planned out. Not obsessively, just the broad guidelines of who I plan to visit. Booking a holiday gives you something to look forward to and makes the stress bearable.


  • Have a gossip session with friends


Meet up with a friend or two for coffee, wine or cocktails and catch up. Telling someone about your day and troubles can help a lot. Often someone outside the situation can see things you can’t and give great advice on dealing with it.


  • Start a new project


Plant that herb or veggie garden you’ve always wanted, renovate a room in your home or even just rearrange the furniture. Start baking holiday cookies or making Christmas cards and decorations.

Working in your home and garden can keep both your hands and head busy and the improvements and change can bring a sense of fulfilment and satisfaction.


  • Treat yourself


Go get a massage, build yourself a pillow fort and read or watch movies for a few hours or buy your favourite sweet or savoury treat. Take some time out of re-energize and focus on yourself: switch off your phone or the TV for an hour or two, go take a walk or a long bath and you’ll feel ready to take on the world again.


  • Don’t take on more than you can handle


In most offices and workplaces, the last three months of the year tend to be the busiest. People are trying to finish all of their old projects, tidy up everything and prepare for the next year.

Don’t take on new projects if you’re already struggling to juggle others. Make a checklist to ensure you finish everything you need to.

Make sure you get enough rest during the evenings and over weekends. You don’t have to go to every social gathering or event, spend some time with your family instead.

Try to stay as positive as possible, sneak in a few fun things to do and relax whenever you can and you’ll definitely survive these last few weeks.

Share your tips, ideas and experiences with me in the comments below or on the Corridor Gazette facebook page.

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