The Miracle that is corona

Barry Malone tweeted: “The coronavirus has not been an equaliser. It has been a magnifier of inequality and injustice that permeates every aspect of society, allowing some to take refuge behind privileges and money, while those less fortunate are left to struggle.” It did, and I agree. #LockdownSouthAfrica #LockdownFor21Days

It is, however, also true that many people and companies are reaching out to help and support wherever they can. This is indeed a miracle, because for us to survive and prosper as humans, as a nation, we have to reach out to one another. And by reaching out, we also illustrate our own vulnerability.

Yes, we do! I am because you are, and if I do not help you to be the best you can be, I cannot be the best version of me.

By reaching out, we rediscover many, if not all, our similarities and interdependence, because despite our entire technical and scientific knowledge prowess, this invisible virus, and of cause, God and the Universe, are still our superiors.

Be that as it may, this necessity to now work together and make things happen, also illustrates that we – the people of this beautiful country and the government – do have the extra capacity to make things happen to benefit all and sundry, despite what many may think.

So what will we learn from this crisis? The answer is simple: our egos and greed, most often, will simply not volunteer to entertain such positive behaviour on this scale. It will also illustrate incompetence so that it can be corrected. And most importantly, it will teach us to refocus on those things that we have to be grateful for.

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This crisis will teach us to simplify and expand everything in a manner that will ensure greater inclusivity, less injustice and a more loving consciousness.

And perhaps if this continues long enough, the indiscrimination of this pandemic may well change our thought patterns for good.  I, for one, certainly hope so.

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In the meantime, though, do not underestimate the danger of this virus. Stay with the programme: stay at home, refrain from unnecessary contact with other people and, above all, be still and mindful of the fact that miracles are happening all over and many living angels are doing their thing to support the solution and resolve the challenges at hand.

Sharing is caring.
Be safe…

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