Lockdown day 5: Motivational message of the day

Pastor David Grobler of Unite180 shares an encouraging message to South Africans during the Covid-19 lockdown. #LockdownSouthAfrica #LockdownFor21Days

Waking up to a crashing economy, deserted airports and empty streets does not describe the expectation most people had when making New Year’s resolutions just a few months ago, and yet, this is now the reality in which we all live.

As a nation, we are now in the development phase of what will ultimately become the new normal: the lingering effects of social distancing and the national lockdown as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. However, these measures do not come without side effects.

Humans are social beings and, in times of crisis, being deprived of social connections may actually add to stress and illness. Therefore, while these measures reduce the spread of Covid-19, we have to consider how we can manage the downside and use this as an opportunity to “love one another” (John 13:34).

Social-distancing may be a new term to our generation, but it is not a foreign idea biblically. In the life of Joseph, we see how he was thrown in a pit and spent time in prison, yet God used it to save his family (Genesis 37:23-28, 39:20). The same bodes true of Noah, who spent 40 days separated from his world in a boat that ultimately also saved his family (Genesis 7:1-24). These events show us how difficult seasons, in the hands of God, can be turned around for our good (Rom 28:8).

ALSO READ: Live-stream in a house near you with Unite180

The psalmist writes in Psalms 23:4 “…though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me”. The application of this psalm is to realise that there is no guarantee of skipping bad moments. In fact, sometimes we are expected to pass through them, knowing that He is a good shepherd leading us.

The Christian response in a time of crisis is not to deny the reality thereof, but rather to bring hope and be light in the midst of it. We all can use this moment to be an extension of God’s grace into individuals and families all around us.

This is a season to make that phone call to a friend, write an email or letter sharing your heart, or send that text message of encouragement to someone you feel might need it.
Always remember, the Lord said, “I will never leave you, nor forsake you” (Heb 13:5).

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