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Lowveld Vet on anti-rabies drive

The Lowveld Vet in White River is aiming to vaccinate 1 000 pets by September and educate the communities about rabies.

On Monday July 15, Lowveld Vet in White River went on a drive to eliminate rabies in the Lowveld region, and is aiming to vaccinate at least 1 000 pets.

According to Dr Daniela Spath of Lowveld Vet, the drive will include assistance from the South African Veterinary Association, community veterinary clinics and the makers of the vaccine, Boehringer Ingelheim.

They are planning to target the Lowveld’s rural areas before World Rabies Day on September 28.

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“We will be doing door-to-door rabies vaccines on 100 to 200 pets per week in KaBokweni, Ndwaleni and Ngodwana, as well as educating the communities about rabies. Weekly updates will follow about what other areas we will visit,” she said.

Spath requested members of the communities to donate towards the outreach event, and to go one step further to ensure pet health by making donations towards vaccinations against parvovirus and distemper, as well as tick, flea and deworming treatments. Every cent counts and will go directly to supporting this outreach campaign.

“Together we can make a significant difference in the lives of those that need it most,” she concluded.

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