Lowveld SARZA appeals to public for assistance

All the funds SARZA Lowveld receive are used to support members so they can do their jobs. Without residents' help, they will not be able to continue their community work.

The Search and Rescue South Africa (SARZA) Lowveld team needs donations to continue their work as they are not receiving any government funding.
The team hosted an awareness campaign at i’langa Mall on Saturday June 22 as part of a drive to secure local funding.

According to SARZA’s Lowveld chairperson, Andrew Geldenhuys, the aim of the campaign was to inform the public of who they are and what they do for the community. “We are a voluntary unit; we do not receive funding from the government and we depend on community and business donations. The money we receive is used to support the unit by buying uniforms for staff and equipment so our members can do their jobs. With this campaign, we hope to draw the much-needed support from locals,” he said.

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Geldenhuys and 36 SARZA members are currently paying for their own uniforms and even some equipment, as well as fuel for their vehicles.

Without any assistance from the public, they will not be able to continue their community work.

SARZA provides competent, efficient volunteer emergency search-and-rescue services dedicated to saving human lives. Members are trained to operate in rough terrain and under difficult conditions alongside other search-and-rescue services during natural or man-made civil disasters or emergencies.

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The team was part of the search-and-rescue team in Turkey when a devastating 7.8-magnitude earthquake hit on February 6 in 2023. They were also part of the team in Mozambique during the February floods of the same year, and assisted with the bus accident on the R37.

They were recently deployed to George in the Western Cape to assist in the search operations when a building collapsed and many workers were trapped under rubble.

If anyone wishes to make a donation, they can call 082 854 3744 or visit SARZA Lowveld’s Facebook page or its website, www.sarza.co.za.

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