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Lowvelder SPAR Easter Campaign winners egg-static about prizes

Some lucky Lowvelders won big with the Lowvelder SPAR Easter Facebook competition. We spoke to some of the winners.

On March 20, the Lowvelder SPAR Easter Egg Hunt Campaign spread oodles of joy and cheer across the Lowveld. Residents were encouraged to embark on a fun hunt for several golden egg stickers hidden in a few Lowvelder newspapers at selected SPARs. The lucky winners saw themselves claiming a R3 000 SPAR voucher, compliments of SPAR.

Also read: SPAR Easter Egg Hunt fever grips Lowveld

Along with this campaign, SPAR launched a Easter campaign on social media. Four R500 SPAR vouchers for the Lowveld’s children were up for grabs, as well as an additional five R1 000 SPAR vouchers.

The Lowvelder spoke to the winners of some of these vouchers.

Clarence and Tyler Willemse

Two brothers, Clarence (10) and Tyler Willemse (8), won some hearts with their video submitted to win one of the four R500 SPAR grocery vouchers in the Lowvelder SPAR Easter Egg Hunt Campaign on Lowvelder’s Facebook page.

They became selfless heroes when they told their mum, Natasha Willemse, in the video that they will buy as many Easter eggs as they can with the voucher and donate them to a children’s home in Mbombela. “I was shocked when I was told that the boys had won a voucher. They are quite excited to be donating some Easter eggs to the children who will enjoy them. I think it is a great idea that they want use the prize to give back to the community. I am excited for them to do this, which is something they have planned before they entered into the competition.”

Natasha came by the Lowveld Media’s offices to collect the voucher on behalf of her kids.

Tania Bredell

Tania Bredell was a lucky winner of a golden egg when she purchased two newspapers at De Hallen and West End SPAR. She expressed her excitement, mentioning that she will purchase meat for her family with the voucher.

Sherrilynne Tait

Sherrilynne Tait is another winner of a R1 000 voucher; she found her voucher on page five in the paper she had bought at Crossing SUPERSPAR. She said she was having a bad week, and the winning the voucher changed everything and made her day. “I knew about the competition through the Lowvelder Facebook page, but I never thought I would be one of the winners. I was overwhelmed and emotional, because it changed my bad day into a good one,” she said.

Read more here: SPAR Easter Egg Hunt fever grips Lowveld

Agreement Silabane

Agreement Silabane was another lucky winner of the competition on Lowvelder’s Facebook page. She said she would use the voucher to purchase groceries for her mother.

Kara Kleinhans

The six-year-old Kara Kleinhans won a R500 SPAR grocery voucher with the video she had submitted on Lowvelder’s Facebook page. Kara said she will use the voucher to purchase sweets and snacks for herself and her brother.

Odelia Mhlongo

Odelia Mhlongo won a R1 000 SPAR grocery voucher on Lowvelder’s Facebook page. She said she has already made a list of products she would purchase with her prize, but that the majority of the voucher would go towards buying meat for the month.

Danielle du Toit

A R500 SPAR grocery voucher was won by Danielle du Toit’s children with their video they had submitted on Lowvelder’s Facebook page. She said she would purchase some snacks for the children and a ready-made meal for them to enjoy as a family.

Amelia Fouché

A R500 SPAR grocery voucher was won by four-year-old Amelia Fouché with her video that her mother Gerda submitted on Lowvelder’s Facebook page. Amelia said she would purchase pizzas and some Easter eggs.

Gerda and Amelia Fouché. > Photo: Bertus de Bruyn

ALSO READ: Van Paaseiers na pizzas vir gelukkige Mbombela-pryswennertjie van geskenkbewys

Heidi Groenewald

The final winner of the competition on Lowvelder’s Facebook page was Heidi Groenewald. Groenewald expressed her excitement and said she would be using the voucher to purchase luxury items she would not usually buy.

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