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Accidents on N4 route yield no fatalities over Easter weekend

On the other roads in Mpumalanga there were 22 fatalities. However, on the N4 route there were 35 accident and no fatalities.

During the Easter weekend, from March 29 to April 1, high traffic volumes were experienced on the Maputo Corridor.

TRACN4 Toll Route at the Alzu Petroport promotes its roadside services, TRAC Assist. > Photo: Facebook/TracN4 Toll Route

There were 35 accidents but no fatalities on the entire N4 route, said Solange Soares, the communications manager of TRAC.

According to Moeti Mmusi, the spokesperson for the Mpumalanga Department of Community Safety, Security and Liaison (DCSSL),
22 fatalities were recorded on the province’s other roads.

On the Maputo Corridor, 23 accidents occurred in South Africa and 12 in Mozambique.
The breakdown of the accidents is as follows:
• In Gauteng there were four accidents.
• In the Mpumalangan Highveld there were six accidents, two of which were serious.
• In the Mpumalangan Lowveld there were 13 accidents, six of which were serious.
• In Mozambique there were 12 accidents, three of which were serious.

“Traffic volumes were exceptionally high on both the South African and Mozambican sides of the route, with the Middelburg and Nkomazi Toll Plazas being the busiest throughout the period,” said Soares.

TRACN4 Toll Route at the Alzu Petroport promotes its road side services, TRAC Assist. > Photo: Facebook/TracN4 Toll Route

As predicted, traffic peaked on Thursday afternoon just before the start of the Easter weekend, and high traffic volumes continued to be experienced throughout Friday morning. On Monday, traffic started to pick up at around 10:00, with high traffic volumes continuing into the late afternoon.
“TRAC also focused on boosting its road safety messaging,” said Soares.

TRACN4 Toll Route at the Alzu Petroport. > Photo: Facebook/TracN4 Toll Route

She said that this was done via the Rest & Rejuvenate Road Safety Activation at Alzu Petroport near Belfast, where TRAC representatives engaged with road users and encouraged them to obey road regulations and be responsible and courteous on the road.

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Mmusi said that the minister of transport, Sindisiwe Chikunga, will release the statistics of all accidents and fatalities that occurred in each province in due course.
The Nelspruit SPCA conducted inspections at the Lebombo Border Post during the long weekend.

Vehicles leaving and entering South Africa were searched in co-operation with the SAPS and Border Management Authority to ensure that no animal smuggling took place, and that the Animal Protection Act 71 of 1962 and other national transport regulations were not contravened.

One of the SPCA inspectors noticed a vehicle that was transporting chickens inhumanely. Six large chickens were found inside a makeshift crate that had sharp edges and protruding wires, barely affording space for three of them.

The makeshift crate in which six large chickens were being transported. > Photo: Facebook/SPCA Nelspruit

The crate was mounted on top of the front bars of a trailer, where they were directly exposed to exhaust gases and the elements.

Six large chickens were being transported in this makeshift crate and were exposed to exhaust gases and were also overheating. > Photo: Facebook/SPCA Nelspruit

The inspector issued a warning in terms of the Animals Protection Act 71 and educated the owner on how to transport chickens in the future.

The owner was not permitted to take the chickens across the border, and they are now in the care of the SPCA. The chickens did not sustain any injuries and are doing well, said the SPCA.

The six chickens that the owner were not permitted to transport over the border. They are now in the care of the SPCA. > Photo: Facebook/SPCA Nelspruit

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