Lowveld pets face rising threat of snakebites

Dr Nicola Colborne, a veterinarian at West Acres Animal Hospital, warns Lowveld pet owners about the danger of snake bites. Learn crucial steps to protect your pets and ensure their survival in emergency situations.

The threat of snakes for Lowvelders’ pets is imminent, warns Dr Nicola Colborne, a veterinarian at West Acres Animal Hospital. She advises pet owners to be vigilant if their animals bark or make noise, urging them to investigate promptly.

In case of a snake encounter, call your pet to ensure they move away safely. If a snake bite occurs or is suspected, promptly identify the snake, but don’t waste time determining its species.

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Contact your pet’s veterinarian immediately and transport your pet to the clinic. It’s crucial for pet owners to have their veterinarian emergency number saved on their phones for such situations. Colborne suggests that if you have multiple dogs and notice symptoms in one, either leave someone with the other pets or take all of them to the veterinarian, as symptoms may not be immediate in every case.

Symptoms indicating a snake bite include swelling, purple discoloration of the mouth, difficulty breathing, drowsiness or bleeding, varying based on the snake species. Common snakes in the Lowveld region that pose a threat to pets include the Mozambican spitting cobra, black mamba and puff adders.

Colborne stresses the importance of timing in snakebite cases, as swift action enhances the chances of your pet’s survival. She recommends all owners prepare for emergencies by obtaining pet insurance, as antivenom can be costly.

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