Mbombela boy bakes banana bread for trip to the seaside

A “no”, doesn’t faze this eight-year-old at all. Caleb Higham put his entrepreneurial hat on and proceeded to bake and sell banana bread at some local markets here in the Lowveld, all just to go to the seaside.

“OK. Not a problem. I’ll sell my banana bread!”

This was Caleb Higham’s (8) reaction when he asked his single-parent mum, Teresa, if they could go on a seaside vacation, and she, only having one source of income, had to tell him it was not possible.

“A holiday, let alone a sea holiday, is just not possible,” she said. “However, this did not faze Caleb at all.”

It was at this moment that the youngster came up with the plan to sell banana bread to raise the funds for them to go to the beach.

Teresa says they started calling it his banana bread when he ordered his mother about in the kitchen, telling her to do this instead of that. “The banana bread ended up being better than the original recipe!” she said.

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After the pair decided Caleb’s business venture was worth pursuing, Teresa made contact with Peta de Wet, who runs most of the local markets and is an old school friend of hers.

“It was at least five months ago that Teresa first asked me for a space at one of the markets,” De Wet said, and added that ever since then, she has been reserving them space at every market she runs. What’s more, the space goes to Caleb for free.

Caleb’s banana bread has been a good seller at some of the local markets, including The Market @ Casterbridge, The Market @ Friends Café and the recent Riverside Night Christmas Market.

“He does the majority of the work in the kitchen, except working the oven. He loves cracking the eggs!” Teresa laughed. “He does, however, allow me to sell at the market, but he is still around. Even when he goes and plays, he makes sure every time a client comes to the table, he is there.”

Teresa only has praise for her son. “I think it was such a beautiful response from Caleb after I told him I’m not able to take us to the sea! I think for a boy so young, it’s remarkable that that is the way he responded to the ‘problem’ he was faced with,” she says.

“I am very proud of him. Proud that he is so positive and prepared to put in the work.”

De Wet also echoes Teresa’s sentiments. “It has been an incredible way for him to learn. He’s learnt how to measure out the stuff, how to bake and how to save money.

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It’s really incredible. The growth in him over the past few months we have been doing this is amazing. He’s really just the most awesome little boy,” De Wet told Lowvelder.

The next market Caleb and Teresa will attend is the Christmas Market @ Friends Café on December 16.

“His banana bread is really yummy,” was his mum’s earnest response. “Once you’ve had one piece, you will want more!”

This young boy is a true entrepreneur, working hard to make his dream comes true.

Caleb, we salute you!

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