Gold medal in fitness challenge for Lydenburg athlete

Alicia Bullen's fitness trajectory reached new heights after she won four medals during the International Fitness and Body Building Federation (IFBB) Fitness Challenge at the South African Championships.

A professional hybrid athlete, Alicia Bullen from Lydenburg, won the open bronze category at the International Fitness and Body Building Federation (IFBB) Fitness Challenge. The South African championships took place on September 2 at the The Ridge Casino in eMalahleni.

Furthermore, Bullen won second place in the masters female (silver category), couples team (silver category), and mixed couples (gold category). Among the challenges were sit-ups with weights on the chest, burpees with weights, dips, kettlebell swings and dips, and walking lunges with barbells.

“My experience competing in the IFBB competition this year was completely new to me. I have improved my score with each competition, and I feel blessed. However, I challenge myself every time I compete and want to push myself beyond my own capabilities,” she said.

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During the provincial finals in August, she won the open categories for both the silver and bronze fitness challenges, placed second in the masters category in the silver fitness challenge, and placed third in the masters category in the bronze fitness challenge.

As well as winning the title of 2022 Rookie Elite Champion of the Virgin Active Warrior Race, Bullen also regularly competes in obstacle course races, CrossFit, swimming, and cycling to keep fit.

Alicia Bullen competing in an obstacle course race last year.
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