Uplands and Penryn derby: always a classic clash!

Uplands and Penryn College went head to head in White River this past weekend, facing off in numerous sporting and culture codes.

From May 19 to 20, Uplands College hosted the annual FNB Classic Clashes between the pupils and their rivals, Penryn College, a long-standing fixture that always presents an energetic and vibrant atmosphere as pupils showcase their respective talents in their various activities.

The spirit and teamwork this year was evident through the visible efforts on display.

While each match was competitive, the principle of sportsmanship remained in place.

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The organisers congratulated everyone who participated on the day, and gave special thanks to FNB, who was the sponsor of the fixtures. Its continued support for this weekend is always appreciated.

The results were as follows:

• Girls’ tennis: Uplands 34 vs Penryn 21
• Boys’ tennis: Uplands 23 vs Penryn 32.

• Uplands College 1st team lost as proposition by 2 points
• Uplands College 2nd team lost as opposition by 4 points.

• Round 1 Uplands won 7.5 to 4.5
• Round 2 Uplands lost 5.5 to 6.6
• Overall Uplands won 13 -11.

• U14A – Uplands won 18-7
• U14B Uplands won 14-10
• U14C Uplands won 10-8
• U15A Uplands won 27-5
• U15B Uplands won 17-5
• U15C Uplands won 4-2
• U16A Uplands won 14-7
• Uplands 3rd team won 26-2
• Uplands 2nd team won 21-1
• Uplands 1st team won 25-21.

Boys’ hockey
• U14A – Uplands won 5-0
• U16A – Uplands drew 2-2
• Uplands 2nd team won 4-1
• Uplands 1st team won 4-0.

Girls’ hockey
• U14A – Uplands won 4-0
• U15A – Uplands won 2-0
• U16A – Uplands lost 1-0
• Uplands 2nd team drew 1-1
• Uplands 1st team won 1-0.

• U14A – Uplands won 70-7
• U15A – Uplands lost 29-5
• U16A – Uplands won 55-5
• 2nd XV – Uplands won 25-7
• 1st XV – Uplands lost 12-7.

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