Church Unlimited Nelspruit prays for calmness in the country

On Monday night, the church hosted an emergency online prayer meeting for the country on their Facebook page.

As turmoil and unrest spread through some parts of the country, Church Unlimited Nelspruit prayed for peace.

On Monday night, the church hosted an emergency online prayer meeting for the country on their Facebook page. The aim of the meeting was to come together with one vision through prayer, while physically apart.

In a post shared on the Facebook page, it stated, “South Africa needs our prayers! With all the unrest, strikes, looting and violence taking place amid the pandemic, let us raise our voices together in prayer to Jesus.”

On Monday, various shopping centres and outlets in some cities and towns in Mpumalanga were looted. A protest raged in the Mbombela CBD, too, although it was ceased in a short period. Some protesters looted in parts of Matsulu, but this has since stopped.

Etienne Garnett-Bennett of Church Unlimited Nelspruit said, “This prayer service was supposed to be on Wednesday, but after what transpired in the past few days and on Monday, we moved it. We saw the urgency to pray, and since we cannot gather in church, we hosted a prayer meeting on Facebook. We know the Lord can hear us and he can change the situation.”

About 200 people joined and participated in the Facebook prayer meeting service.

Garnett-Bennett said before gatherings were stopped due to Covid-19 regulations, the church used to host a prayer service dedicated for the country once a month.

“We then decided that we would have a person directing the service so we could all be in united, even when apart. When we host these services on Facebook, church members and members of the public joining in, get to participate by sending out comments, and we still interact.”

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He said the church is planning to host another prayer service next Wednesday. Garnett-Bennett said everyone is welcome to join the online service.

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