Feathered friends feature in Hans Bornman’s new book

With his own illustrations, the new book by this well-known historian, artist and writer is even more of a keepsake.

Hans Bornman has recently published his 32nd book. The titles on his long list of published works include the history and anecdotes about the Lowveld, White River and Barberton, like the bestseller Cockney Liz, Legendary Barmaid of Barberton. Bornman made Lydenburg his new home a few years ago. The idea to illustrate and write Owls of Southern, Central and Western Africa started when Danie Scholtz asked him to draw an owl for him. The book is dedicated to him and his mother Jackie Scholtz, who does not only do the author’s publicity and marketing, but is his right hand in publishing. He also published the limited edition of 25 copies of Owls of Southern Africa in 2020 with huge success.

The rare sandy scops owl.

What makes this book special is a section where notes can be made for the amateur ornithologist’s own research. In the book, the reader will find the 28 main owls of Southern Africa and full-colour drawings by Bornman. Social media was also a huge help here, as there are literally hundreds of groups who love owls and share research and rare photos. The sandy scops owl (otus icterorhynchus) is a small owl with a pale, rufous colour, a plain face, a pale yellow bill and yellow eyes. Photos of this owl is so rare, there are barely any records. A person on Facebook was kind enough to provide a partial photo, and Bornman used that, combined with another photo, to draw the sketch. There is something for every reader in this book. It is a compelling guide for travellers when they spot one of these feathered friends. In his foreword, Bornman writes: “In ancient Greek mythology, the owl was a creature sacred to Athena, Goddess of the Night, who represented wisdom. The owl symbolises death and renewal, wisdom, moon magic and initiations.” This gives a perspective on how important owls are in the history of humankind and in nature conservation. A book launch is planned for Saturday July 24 at PNA Lydenburg, The Heads Centre, between 10:00 and 14:00. For more information or to order the book, contact Jackie Scholtz on 082 342 1068.

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