Beauty queen celebrates birthday by guiding boys to be upstanding men

The reigning Ms Mpumalanga, Sfeziwe Mkhabela, founder of Emerald Stories, hosted 40 teenage boys of various schools at her glitzy 31st birthday celebration at Sanibonani Hotel Resort.

HAZYVIEW – Mkhabela intended to equip the teenage boys with life skills that would help them to become responsible and better citizens. Due to her own experience, being molested when she was younger than 10, and finding that the same perpetrator also abused her relative, she vowed to be an instrument of change among boys. She spoke out against gender-based violence (GBV), especially in families.

“For years I was angry, hence the birth of Emerald Stories, a non-profit organisation that focuses on bringing awareness about GBV. We had observed that too much focus was given to young girls and not much to young men. We acknowledge that a majority of the perpetrators on GBV cases were men, so we are therefore redirecting the focus to boys, with the purpose of rooting out the main cause of abuse in its early stages,” explained Mkhabela.

Boys from Hazyview Comprehensive School, Twin College, Mshadza High School, Hazyview Private College and Uthando House all in the White Hazy Circuit attended the event. Speaker after speaker lectured them on various topics, including the importance of guidance and mentorship, breaking generational habits, alcohol and substance abuse.

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Attendees were served to a sumptuous lunch and presented with goody bags with toiletries and other gifts courtesy of Indlovu SPAR, Myboet Transport, Essential Water, the Mumu na Fufu Foundation, Peaceful Escape and Nedbank.

Sfeziwe Mkhabela
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