WATCH: Elephant shows bakkie who’s boss in the bush

Both a Bosbok Gas employee and the Toyota in which he was travelling survived the ordeal, but he is sure to have a bee in his bonnet when it comes to elephants in future.

For the first time in about 30 years, a Bosbok Gas employee had a “too close” encounter with nature while making a delivery to one of its game reserve clients.

Nathan Traut, Bosbok Gas’ marketing and operations manager, said their driver, Norman Nukeri, was on his way out of Klaserie Private Nature Reserve on Tuesday after delivering diesel (with a bowser in tow) to Klaserie Drift and Ntoma Bush Lodge.

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While on his way out, Nukeri had a run-in with an elephant that left his Toyota bakkie with quite a bit of damage to the body.

Traut said in the 30 years they have been in business, something like this has never happened.

“Nature is one of the perks of having to work in nature reserves, just not this close up,” he jokingly remarked.

A video of the incident shows Nukeri trying to ward the elephant off. Initially it seems as though the animal gives up on the stand-off, but then later returns to basically separate the bonnet from the bakkie.

“Nukeri is fine, he is just a little shell-shocked. Our director, Hardus Geldenhuys, and a second driver went to the scene to assist. A good thing, considering Nukeri’s state of shock,” Traut said.

“The bakkie’s bodywork was damaged, but there are very few mechanical issues. It was driveable, just not with the bonnet, so they removed it and the vehicle was brought back to the office sans bonnet by the second driver.”

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Damage to the bakkie is in the region of R50 000.

Even though Nukeri is doing well, Traut mentioned that he does not wish to be interviewed.

The video has gone viral, and the company has been contacted from as far as Europe and North Dakota, USA.




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