IN PHOTOS: Honorary Rangers do not shy away from hard work

Mid-April saw the SANParks Honorary Rangers tackling a fence in need of attention in the Lower Sabie Rest Camp.

The operation commenced on Friday April 16, when two members of the team started removing a section of an old, dilapidated lath fence close to the camp’s reception area.

On the same day, a truck delivered a five-ton load consisting of 150 100-millimetre poles (mostly three metres long), 2 960 laths of 2,4 metres and 1 090 laths of 3,6 metres, to the camp. Four team members were tasked with unloading the truck.

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This was all done in preparation for the rest of the team, who started the next step at 07:00 sharp on Saturday. The rest of the 55-metre fence was dismantled, and at the same time other team members began replacing it by drilling holes in the ground with an auger.

The team was split into three groups; one breaking down, one building and one moving material. The process was complicated by the plant growth of many years on and around the fence. This had to be cut away and delicately removed, as it involved more than a few thorns.

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By the end of the day, the whole fence had been rebuilt with laths on both sides; a huge effort by 12 dedicated members.

The following day the remainder of the material was moved from the offloading site to a place of storage, where it was packed neatly to be used for another fence.

The workforce consisted of the following members:
• Maarten and Sandra van Rooyen
• Micheal and Rheta Kruger
• Andries and Renette van der Merwe
• André and Minnie van der Merwe
• Darren and Shireen Vlaming
• Steven Brunsen and Jenny Avery.

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