Councillor owes R40k in utility bills

Themba Nelson Masha currently owes the municipality he works for just over R40 000 in municipal bills for water, electricity and refuse.

With a municipal bill of over R40 000, and a case of assault on a police officer pending against him, an Emakhazeni municipal councillor will have to start paying his outstanding bills in order to keep his position in council.

The councillor owes money on two properties in Waterval Boven with the outstanding payments dating back to last August.

Masha was also arrested on December 28 when he and six other men allegedly attacked a police woman outside the Waterval Boven Police Station in broad daylight.

A community member, who asked not to be named for fear of victimisation, said other residents living around the councillor had their water and electricity switched off when they owed only R800 on their municipal bills.

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“It is not fair on the residents. Why is the councillor getting special treatment? He is a resident like the rest of us, but nothing ever seems to happen to him when he is involved in any wrongdoing.”

Lowvelder had sent a media query to the municipality asking why Masha was still employed as a councillor.

This publication also sent queries regarding community members having water and electricity switched off for owing less than Masha, and to enquire whether any action had been taken against him following the December assault on the officer.

Emakhazeni spokesperson KT Nkosi originally told the newspaper they needed to verify whether Masha owed money.

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He later confirmed Masha owed R40 000 and that arrangements were being made for him to pay his outstanding debt, but it is unclear whether these have been finalised, or by what time he is expected to have completed the full repayment, however.

Nkosi added that no steps will be taken against Masha following the assault until the matter is out of court.

“This matter is still in court and we are waiting for the outcome of the case before we can do anything,” he said.

When the newspaper tried to contact Masha regarding the assault on the police officer a few weeks ago, he blocked the journalist on WhatsApp and did not answer any calls.

The journalist is still blocked from contacting Masha on WhatsApp. When the newspaper phoned Masha, he told the journalist all the stories about him were fabricated and cut the call.

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