Community makes a clean sweep of Lowveld towns after Eloise

The Lowveld community is taking the cleanliness and neatness of towns into its own hands.

Many locals have taken to the streets, the sidewalks and the reserves to fix and clean them up. Just this Saturday, White River locals were involved in a “Power of 8 000” clean-up action on the corner of Danie Joubert and Impala streets to mow overgrown grass.

At the same time, the community ward councillor, Sanley van der Merwe, accompanied by colleagues from the DA and Mbombela Parks, Waste and Environmental Management Department, made sure the Melkweg Nature Reserve was once again a place of beauty.

Anna Wasserthal, admin of the Steiltes Chat Group on WhatsApp, proposed that an effort be made towards cleaning the Melkweg Nature Reserve, especially after the impact of Eloise that saw huge amounts of litter and rubbish washed out.

This nature reserve consists of an open area used for picnics, and a walking and running trail used by trail runners and nature enthusiasts on a weekly basis. The aim of the group is to clean up any area in Steiltes in need of attention.

Wasserthal, her daughter, Heloïse Schormann, and some other volunteers tackled the stream on January 30 and Van der Merwe committed to get the park’s grass and sidewalks cut and cleaned. “I requested the use of some of the brush cutters from the Mbombela Parks Department, but they decided to allocate a team to assist us in our efforts. We managed to get everything done,” said Van der Merwe.

Members of the FKT GT RD trail running group have also committed to a monthly effort to ensure the trail is maintained. The group started the clean-up on January 29. “I feel it is important to encourage some form of social responsibility among our communities towards the upkeep and maintenance of the areas in which we reside.

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We are all aware that the City is experiencing severe financial constraints and the first areas affected by such will be the day-to-day maintenance. If we all do just a little bit, we can make a huge difference,” Van der Merwe said.

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“I have compiled a service delivery backlog report for Ward 17 and we will continue, together with volunteers from the community, other stakeholders and the Department of Community Safety, to assist the City to clean our suburbs.”

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Two residents of Marloth Park, Patty Vorster and Nadine Edgecombe, also put on their reflective jackets and swept the streets of Marloth Park last Tuesday. Debris had been blown into the area by Eloise.

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