Eskom warns of higher electrical shock risks during Lowveld’s severe inclement storms

Extreme weather warnings were issued for Mpumalanga, KwaZulu-Natal and other areas, and Eskom has released a statement also warning the public of coming into contact with electricity being a much higher risk during heavy rain.

“Eskom advises all South Africans to be cautious of overhead power cables that are damaged, collapsed or low-hanging as a result of stormy weather conditions, vandalism and illegal connections,” it said in the statement.

Illegally connected cables lack the proper safety features like protective insulation, can sometimes spark and are not always at a safe height, posing a major risk to children and animals walking around the area.

Eskom’s occupational health and safety senior manager, Miranda Moahlodi, said in the statement severe wind and rainstorms can cause damage to electrical infrastructure, but collaborative efforts with disaster management centres will ensure that the damage is fixed and that people are not in harm’s way.

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“However, there are aspects that each person can control and implement for their own safety in their homes and businesses,” she said.

“Water is a conductor of electricity, and this is the reason for an increased risk of injury during the rainy season. If exposed or damaged power cables touch water, the water conducts electricity into the ground, puddle, tree or stream.

“If a person touches the cable while wet or standing in water, there is a chance of injury.”

Moahlodi gave the following tips to help the public stay safe:

• Turn the main switch off in your house as the damage escalates and water starts flowing in.

• Remove all electrical equipment, such as heaters, chargers, fans and power extensions, off the floor and place it on high surfaces to avoid water.

• If your area has known illegal connections, it is best to report these to Eskom on 0800-11-27-22 to have them removed as they are not safe during severe storms and will pose major safety risks.

• If you suspect that any of your electrical appliances have been submerged in water or have had contact with water, do not use them until you have had a professional declared them safe.

• Do not remove trees or branches that may have fallen over, especially when it is raining, and report these to the local municipality. If a power cable has made contact with the fallen tree or branch, it may cause an electric shock when touched.

“We are appealing to people to be more cautious during stormy conditions and to avoid touching exposed or low-hanging power cables. By remaining vigilant, we can ensure that our loved ones remain safe during the summer season,” Moahlodi said.

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