What would a New Year’s resolution be with an app

Have you told everyone about your resolution to lose weight and now you are scared you can’t do it? We've found the perfect app to help you.

 Unfortunately, December holidays are over and now it’s time to get back on track for some of us who completely went off the rails this festive season.

After doing some research for diets, and you know all of those fasting nonsense ones, I found an app, FatSecret,  that not only makes it easier for me to keep track of what I eat and how many calories I take in daily.

This app impressed me so much that I felt the need to share it. It’s not easy getting into a new healthy routine so anything that makes it easier is a winning recipe in my eyes. This app makes it so easy.

It has features like Home where you can view others posting their photos of lunches with calories, Diary allows you to input all that you have had to drink or eat during the day and reminds you of how many calories you have consumed, and also how many you have left to consume.

It also allows you to enter your exercise and also tells you how many calories you have burned with each session. Furthermore, the app gives you a breakdown of all the nutritional value you have consumed during the day, such as total fat, cholesterol, sodium, carbohydrates, dietary fire, sugars, and proteins.

The best part of it is that it’s completely free, can connect to your fitness watch, and sends you reminders for things like drinking water. You can choose to go for the premium, but in my opinion it really isn’t necessary as you only get an extra meal plan option, and add your own food option.


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