Man’s death still a mystery a year later

In December 2019 a local, Gavyn Moore (32), lost his life in what is alleged to have been a senseless murder. Moore's body was found at the back of his home in Lepelaar Street by his neighbours in the early hours of December 20.

HAZYVIEW -It all started on the evening of Thursday December 19, when he went for his usual drink at a local pub. Zurika Viljoen, at the time assistant manager of the pub, remembers the evening well.

She said Moore would usually have one or two drinks and leave. On the evening of his death he had more, which was very unlike him, according to Viljoen.

She said she remembers a conflict that started between Moore and another patron. The owner of the pub quickly stepped in and told everyone involved to go home. Moore’s neighbour, Luzane Joubert, confirmed this as she recalled hearing a commotion outside their complex gate at around 21:00.

“I could only hear mumbling, no clear voices or sentences. At one stage someone started calling for another person. I don’t know what they were saying – the person just shouted the same thing over and over.

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“From where I was standing, I could not see who was at the gate as the light was blocking my view. I could only see the lights of a vehicle in the driveway and a car parked in the road,” Joubert said.

According to her, she went back inside and at about 22:00 she could hear the noise again, but it suddenly stopped. The following morning, the caretaker of the complex notified her that Moore had died and asked if she had seen anything.

“I could see that Moore had tried to gain entry into his flat through the front, side and kitchen windows. It was evident that he had lost a lot of blood – it was all over the area around his flat.

There was also blood splatter on the work vehicle parked next to his flat, and on the car, he was repairing that was parked nearby,” Joubert said.

“When I left for work, I saw the blood marks on the side of the road.” Spokesperson for the SAPS, Col Donald Mdhluli, confirmed that a case of murder had been opened.

According to witness statements submitted to the police by another neighbour, it is alleged that they heard two people exchanging words at the gate. After a few minutes, they heard Moore speaking in Afrikaans saying “open the gate”, and the witness pressed the button to do so.

She heard Moore entering the yard with his bakkie and the gate closed again.

The witness went to bed, but in the morning she noticed blood on the porch. Alarmed by the sight, she went to check on Moore and found him lying against the wall with his trousers down.

When she tried to wake him, she realised he was dead. According to the SAPS, nothing had been stolen. Mdhluli said no suspects have been identified in the crime and the investigation continues.

The extent of his injuries and cause of death are still unknown as the post-mortem report is in the justice system, and the docket will then be taken to the director of public prosecutions. The question remains: what happened to Moore after he left the pub? This has been plaguing the family for nearly a year.

An emotional Christo Stemmet, spokesperson for the family, pleads with community members who may have any knowledge of the incident to come forward and contact him on 083-752-2865.

Alternatively, residents can call Det Capt Eurence Sibuyi on 082-449-0231, the Crime Stop number on 086-001-0111 or send a tip-off on the MySAPSApp that can be downloaded on any smartphone.

All information will be treated as confidential and callers may opt to remain anonymous.

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