Experts reveal stats on SA’s workplace trends post Covid-19

This year has changed our world forever. Covid-19 hit South Africa in March.

A national state of disaster was declared weeks later.

Lockdown followed  and has dramatically impacted workplaces everywhere. Millions of South Africans started working from home.

Savile Row Architects & Designers and Adams & Adams have collaborated to conduct and distribute research on the topic. Their findings included insightful statistics.

• 81% feel that working from home benefits their cognitive performance and focus. However, they report missing the collaboration and social aspect they get from the office environment.

• 60% of people in leadership positions do not think working remotely will have any effect on nurturing innovation or it is any different from the traditional workplace.

• 57% of those who were surveyed are still currently working from home, with 37% of them noting that their companies will continue to allow them to work from home beyond Covid-19.

• Many companies are now grappling with the question of what purpose their office plays into the future, how much space they will require, plus what facilities and functions will reside there.

Survey results indicated that the vast majority of those interviewed would prefer to keep working from home at least in part. Whether employees are ready to accommodate this desire was one of many questions answered during their annual Unusual Crammer™ 2020 webinar event.

Interviews with experts in various fields armed South Africans with information on how to best deal with the new realities we are facing.

On October 12, this webinar explored how companies, law firms and courts have responded to the global pandemic.

Navigating the legal pitfalls of an agile and remote workforce was the topic dealt with on October 13.

The effect of legal obligations in a year of unusual and unforeseen circumstances was discussed on October 14.

On October 15, experts discussed how uncommon obstacles pave the way for unusual business opportunities.

The insightful week was concluded by this session on the law in relation to your private life and the closing of the annual Unusual Crammer™ 2020.



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