Nelsville residents up in arms over lockdown killing

Tempers are flaring on social media as the community demands answers to what exactly transpired on that fateful night.

Mystery continues to surround the circumstances in which a Nelsville resident, Sam Sanderson, died on May 22. The 32-year-old had been an orphan who was well-loved within the community. His death has resulted in residents questioning how he died and whether those implicated had provided the police with the truth. A Facebook page called “Justice4Sam” was recently established as locals seek to discover the facts about the night Sanderson met his demise.

Sam Sanderson.

ALSO READ:  Look out for criminals poisoning dogs Sanderson was allegedly stabbed to death by a community member, whose name is known to Lowvelder. No arrests have been made in connection with this incident. His death has sparked a debate within the community, with many questioning why his alleged murderer still roams free. A number of residents spoke to Lowvelder on condition that their names are withheld for fear of reprisals. One such member of the public claimed that he had seen the autopsy which indicated that Sanderson had suffered two stab wounds. The fatal blow is believed to have been delivered to his heart. ALSO READ:  Armed gang strikes Jathira Filling Station in Barberton again Another resident who demanded answers alleged that she heard screams and witnessed two women debating whether Sanderson should be placed in a waiting vehicle at about 23:30, ostensibly to transport him to Rob Ferreira Hospital for treatment. The source said, “When they arrived at the hospital at about 01:00, Sam was pronounced dead. They said he had been dead long before they got there, so he never died at Rob Ferreira. “His body had been wiped clean. The post-mortem showed that he had three wounds and that he had died at about 22:00 that evening. ALSO READ:  Bruwer murder case postponed again in Nelspruit Magistrate’s Court “We have still not heard anything from the investigating officer,” she said. Subsequent to Sanderson’s death, the Nelsville community banded together to give him a decent send-off, by assisting his bereaved adoptive family with donations towards funeral costs. In the meantime, tempers are flaring on social media as the community demands answers to what exactly transpired on that fateful night. ALSO READ:  Police, SANDF raid yields a number of illegal mining equipment in Barberton One Facebook post read: “We all know Sam was a piece of work! But then he managed to make everyone laugh, and besides that, it wasn’t for whoever the alleged suspect is covering for, to decide when Sam’s time on earth had to expire! Can you please tell the truth? Sam is not resting and neither am I!” One user questioned whether Sanderson would be free if he had committed murder. “Do you think Sam would be walking free? Let’s be honest. I don’t think so, knowing them (the suspected killer), he would be all over the media and in jail.” Another commented, “I’m in support of this movement, #JusticeForSam, simply because in such an ordeal, anyone would want closure.We rely on justice to give us that. ALSO READ:  BATSA calls for illegal cigarette trade to be stubbed out “We’ve done it before with other families in the community and we will do it again for Sam and his family. People should know and understand that seeking justice for closure and understanding, does not mean that we are fighting anyone, but rather the systems which we see as quiet or less harsh on a particular matter which has touched the community at large.”

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