Look out for criminals poisoning dogs

Security company Hi-Tech Nelspruit has issued a warning to dog owners to be on the lookout for criminals poisoning dogs.

A few cases of dog poisoning were reported by residents in the area of Columbus Street in Steiltes.

According to Hi-Tech, symptoms of poisoning include vomiting and tremors (shivering) and in most cases above-normal salivation. Diarrhoea, small pupils and paralysis are also signs of poisoning. Owners who suspect that their dogs have been poisoned should contact a veterinarian immediately.

“You should always check your yard for more suspicious food items before taking your animal to a veterinarian. Criminals will use meat products to put poison in. The animals then ingest it easier. Never touch any suspicious food and avoid touching your pet if you suspect it had been poisoned.

Many of these poisons can be absorbed by the skin.

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Wrap the pet in a blanket to avoid contact and remove any suspicious products from yard with rubber gloves or plastic,” Hi-Tech says.

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