Uplands College maintains its 100 per cent pass rate

2019 was one of the school's best results in its 21-year history.

WHITE RIVER – Uplands College’s class of 2019 once again achieved a 100 per cent pass rate, with 96 per cent of the grade 12s meeting the requirements for bachelor’s degree studies.

With 39 per cent of the pupils attaining three or more distinctions, and 81 per cent of the symbols achieved being C symbol or higher, this is one of the school’s best results in its 21-year history.

The top achiever was Liam Brain, with seven distinctions and a final average of 91 per cent. Aden Haussmann and Sally James both also achieved seven distinctions.

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“These wonderful results cannot be achieved without the dedication of an exceptional team of staff and the support of the Uplands community.

“Preparation for matric begins at pre-school and I would like to thank all the staff and parents who have played a role in getting the class of 2019 to where they are today,” said Heidi Rea, the head of college.

Read more in Friday’s edition of Lowvelder.

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