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Water rationing on the cards for Barberton after poor rainfall

The Mbombela Local Municipality spokesman, Joseph Ngala confirmed that the water rations have been in effect and urged residents to use water sparingly.

BARBERTON – Water scarcity and rationing have become a reality for Barbertonians this year. According to the City of Mbombela Local Municipality’s (CMLM) communications manager, Joseph Ngala, the poor rainfall has left Lomati Dam and the Queen’s River at dangerously low levels.

This has forced the implementation of a water rationing schedule in the area. Ngala confirmed the veracity of a water rationing schedule which has been widely distributed on social media platforms.

“The schedule is authentic and has been implemented for a few months now.

CMLM spokesman, Joseph Ngala.

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“The rationing has been structured in such a way that water is distributed equitably, while also ensuring that there is minimal disruption of businesses and the sensitive areas like hospitals and correctional facilities,” he said.

According to Ngala, the Lomati Dam which is the main source of raw water in Barberton, is currently below 30 per cent. He said CMLM viewed this as “very serious”.

“The Queen’s River, which augments the system, is also not yielding desired volumes, hence the rationing. In fact, the situation is similar throughout the town’s area of jurisdiction, as we have not had good rain during the winter season, and this spring the situation has not improved,” he added.

Lomati Dam.

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There have been talks about the construction of a dam in Barberton, but Ngala could not provide any further information.

He said, “The construction of the dam is planned around the vicinity of the Queen’s River, but it’s the scope of Department of Water and Sanitation and we do not have the time frames regarding that project.”

Queen’s River.

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The table for the closing of the water supply is as follows:

Verulam, Dikbas, Greenstone, X17, X18, X19, Longhomes and Phumula.


Paul Davis Street, Soetdoring, X12, Kiaat Street, Spearville, X11 and Henry Netmann Street.


New Village, X9, X15, X16, X6, Burgerville, Kruger Street, Town Prison.


X10, Phase 2, Greyville, X7, Bland Street and the town residential area.


Cathyville, Prison Farm, X13 and X14.

There will be no water closures on weekends and public holidays, and rationing starts from 08:00 to 14:00 as per the schedule. Ngala sent an urgent appeal to all consumers throughout the city to continue using water sparingly.

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