Police still working to give family closure after man’s untimely death

Investigation into the death of Neil van der Veen, allegedly after a fight in a local pub, is still ongoing and police are awaiting the post-mortem results to determine their next course of action.

MALALANE – Police are still awaiting the post-mortem results of Neil van der Veen (40). He died on May 19, after an alleged fight at Duck ‘n Dive.

Sgt Bheki Nkosi from Malalane SAPS confirmed that the investigation is ongoing. “We are still waiting for the post-mortem results. As soon as we have received them we will put it together with the information we have and send them to the senior public prosecutor for a decision on the matter.”

Van der Veen’s wife Nadia, said he and a few friends headed to the pub after a golf day where they were allegedly dragged into a fight and Neil was injured. He later got sick and Nadia rushed him to hospital where die died. An inquest docket was opened in Mbombela and sent to Malalane SAPS for investigation.

READ: Man dies after alleged bar fight in Malalane

Gavin Jones, Duck ‘n Dive manager, said they were cooperating with the police’s investigation and have handed over the CCTV footage of the night. He denied knowledge of any fight at the pub.

“We won’t stop until all of us find closure on the matter and the family know exactly what the cause of the untimely passing on of their beloved was,” Nkosi concluded.

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