Still time to visit foodie exhibition at Casterbridge

Mostert na die Maal, a group exhibition at the White River Gallery, can still be viewed until July 15.

This is even though the official Innibos Arts closing event takes place on Saturday June 30 at 12:00. Hennie Fisher will speak the closing words.

The artists participating include Eric Eatwell, Rene Eloff, Michael Heyns, Laurel Holmes, Vianca Malan, Griet van der Meulen, Erica Schoeman, Winston Thekiso, Gerrie van Tonder, Lynette van Tonder, James de Villiers and Mariana Zwaan.

As a closing event, this exhibition explores the nuances of mealtimes, the sharing of meals, and the emotions that we attach to these occasions.

Food remains a means of sustenance and nourishment. However, underlying the basic physical need to eat, mealtimes contain undertones of happiness, loneliness, abundance, scarcity, and generosity.

The act of eating alone or sharing a meal allows us to view the preparation and presentation of meals in different ways. To each of us, the utensils used for meals may have significance in history, or memory attached to pieces passed down through generations.

To some utensils are entirely functional. Kitchen and dining rooms, tables and chairs may be steeped in family tradition, or devoid of any significant attachment. Family rituals, the act of saying grace, human posturing around meals is explored in this group exhibition through various media.

Fisher is well worth a listen, being a long-standing and respected educator in the field of culinary art. He has completed doctoral research in the development of a food literacy measuring instrument for South Africa.

He is also a food critic for Eat Out magazine.

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