The arts come alive at Eisteddfod

The Nelspruit Eisteddfod is an opportunity for young and old to present their work in front of an audience while boosting their confidence with tips to help them excel

MBOMBELA – The annual Nelspruit Eisteddfod seeks to develop youngsters by giving them a platform to showcase their various artistic talents. Currently midway though its programme, the competition is being held at the AFM Communio Church for the second year running.
“We feel privileged to be partnered with the eisteddfod, as our slogan is ‘city changers’ and do things that impart change in our community,” said Anton van Zyl, worship pastor at the church.

Thousands of participants have sang, danced and been workshopped in their various disciplines to help them improve their craft. Van Zyl’s daughter, Abigail, a grade two from Laerskool Nelspruit, will be participating.

Up to 7 000 people will be adjudicated for English and Afrikaans speech and drama, music vocals, choir, dance, visual arts, photography and musical instruments.
Innibos is, once again, a partner in this year’s eisteddfod.
“We do Innibos to support the arts,” said festival manager, Andy Lubbe.

“Any money that we make should be ploughed back into the arts. We make money from the arts in order to put it back into the arts,” he added Lubbe, a previous chairman of the eisteddfod on and off for 18 years, believes that all children need to start somewhere.
“If we can develop a child here, then that is fantastic,” he said.
Thea Möller, chairman, has expressed her gratitude for Innibos’s continued support.

“This would not be possible without their help,” she said.
In its 30 years of existence, this year’s competition has also made provision for children with special needs.

Though they perform along with their abled counterparts, they are adjudicated separately.

The eisteddfod continues to run until the end of the month. Entry is free. A final gala will take place on September 13. Enquiries
can be made with the eisteddfod staff at the church during the day, or contact Möller on

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