Crime fighters stumble upon parking-lot drug deal

Two of the suspects have pending drug cases against them.

MBOMBELA – A drug deal conducted in broad daylight at a busy shopping centre, right in front of local crime fighters, landed three men in police custody on Wednesday.

The incident occurred at the Belladonna Shopping Centre’s parking area at 08:00. South Africans Mr Jean-Pierre Holder (34) and Mr Tommie Enslin (31), as well as Nigerian Mr Henry Onyeka Ozoemenam (32), appeared in the Nelspruit Magistrate’s Court on Thursday on charges of possession and dealing in drugs.

Bossies Community Justice’s (BCJ) Mr Albert Gryvenstein, Hi-Tech Security Nelspruit’s operations manager, Mr Callum MacPherson, and Lowvelder had arranged to meet up in the parking lot the morning of the incident to discuss a case. A red Opel Corsa Lite parked next to them. The men then drove away and parked near the bottle store on the other side of the lot.

Read more here: SA man bust with drugs worth millions

Ozoemenam arrived in a dark-blue Volkswagen Polo Classic which parked next to the Corsa Lite. Enslin got out of the Corsa and climbed into the Polo. Holder remained in the vehicle. As this occurred, Gryvenstein and MacPherson approached the two vehicles.

“I approached the men and identified myself and asked them what they were doing,” said Gryvenstein. He said Enslin told him that they had just purchased CAT and LSD. At the same time MacPherson apprehended Ozoemenam. The men were arrested when it was discovered that they were in possession of drugs. Enslin told Lowvelder this was the first time he had ever been apprehended.

Gryvenstein immediately alerted the police. The Mbombela SAPS and the White River K9 Unit arrived and took over the arrest. The vehicle was searched by a sniffer dog. The canine indicated more drugs could be hidden in the vehicle. The police decided to conduct a further search at the police station.

Both vehicles were confiscated.

MacPherson said he was shocked that they had conducted a drug deal in broad daylight in front of his clearly marked vehicle. Ozoemenam explained to the police where he lived. The SAPS, BCJ and Hi-Tech went to the house in Jan Frederick Street in Stonehenge. Another search for drugs was conducted with dogs, but none were found on the premises. Gryvenstein said this normally occurred as most dealers used a “runner” to distribute the drugs.

“This is why most of the time we will not find more drugs on the person who gives it to the end buyer as he works as a delivery guy for the actual dealers,” he said. The suspects gave police another address in Summer Place in Leadwood Street. Upon arrival, police were told the Nigerians which were residing there, had evacuated the flat. The suspects were charged for possession and booked into the cells. No further drugs were found in the cars.

Det Sgt Louis Laubscher said Holder had two previous drug-related convictions and one of shoplifting against him. “He also has a pending case for drugs at Pretoria central.” He said Ozoemenam also had a pending drug case and was out on bail when this incident occurred. The street value found in their possession was estimated to be R640.

Bail was denied to all three of the suspects and the case was postponed for a formal bail application to October 7.

Lowvelder will, from now on, keep a close eye on all drug-related cases in Mbombela ensuring justice is seen to be done and the culprits do not walk free on “technicalities”. – Ed

Read more here : DRUG BUST ARTICLES

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