IEC launches online candidate nomination system

The system is designed to speed up and simplify the process of submitting candidate nomination lists for elections by allowing parties to capture their own information and then submit it electronically via the internet by the deadline.

The Electoral Commission has launched an Online Candidate Nomination System through which candidate nominations can be submitted electronically for the 2016 Municipal Elections, a first for Africa.

The system is designed to speed up and simplify the process of submitting candidate nomination lists for elections by allowing parties to capture their own information and then submit it electronically via the internet by the deadline.

Among the key benefits of the system are:
• Parties can capture their own information reducing errors and the time required
• Real-time verification of eligibility of candidates
• Electronically generated acceptance of nomination forms obviating the need to manually complete forms for each candidate
• Access to a payment gateway to facilitate ease of payment
• Exporting and importing spreadsheets for each municipality to allow for copy and paste of candidate data that may be in existing political party database\
• Progress reports for all elections contested by a party
• Instant confirmation of the list of candidate and wards contested

Also read: Last chance to register for 2016 Municipal Elections



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