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Don’t dismiss the importance of a good security alarm

With break-ins a daily occurence in most towns, security systems are no longer a luxury but a neccesity. Do careful research before buying one to ensure you get the security features you need.

With the crime rate apparently sky-rocketing and more break-ins taking place while residents are home, alarm systems may seem to be inadequate.

Houses with such systems are, however, still less attractive that those without. If you are considering the purchase of a security alarm or have started shopping around for one, you will no doubt have come across many false claims or myths.

One of these is that intruder detection systems are too expensive. The reality is that with technology developing at a fast pace, they no longer cost an arm and a leg.

To ensure that your alarm is properly installed, you need to use a reputable company that is a member of the South African Intruder Detection Services Association (Saidsa).

Be sure that it is monitored by a security company, otherwise, when activated, it will just be an annoying noise. The security company provides you with the peace of mind that its officers will come and investigate when your alarm goes off, especially in the middle of the night.

Alarms going off repeatedly will annoy your neighbours, so make sure that your system undergoes regular maintenance.

The reason most houses are targeted while the residents are home is that the loot has changed. In the nineties most burglars went after bulky but expensive items like VCRs and microwaves, but these days iPads, cellphones and laptops are easier to carry and can quickly be sold for cash.

They are all usually carried by the owners, which ensures that the items will be in the house if the residents are home.

If they are in, they will probably have deactivated the alarm and planned to reactivate it when they retire to their bedrooms for the night. Most people find it too much of a bother to activate it only at certain times.

This is where wireless detection and silent alarms come into play. Professional criminals know how to avoid conventional alarm systems and probably won’t run if they hear a siren. It will mean that they have only a few minutes to enter the house and escape before the response team arrives.

By monitoring your property with CCTV cameras and integrating them with another system, you will see exactly where the criminal is, without him knowledge. This will leave you to arm yourself or lock the family in a panic room while you wait for armed response or the neighbourhood watch to arrive, while the burglar thinks he’s taking you by surprise.

Outdoor beams, which are triggered by movement and warn you about intruders in the area around your home, are of the most basic early-warning add-ons to your security system. Most of these systems have been designed not to detect birds, plants and pets, which means false alarms are eliminated.

Some wireless systems have a wide variety of functions and can be monitored via your cellphones. These include arming or disarming the alarm, switching lights on and off, opening the gate and triggering pepper spray or smoke. There are also various modes depending on whether you are away, at home sleeping or at home and want the early warning active.

Interestingly these systems will automatically switch to “away mode” and alert the security company if you do not interact within one minute after an intruder has been detected.

Most wireless systems work either on beeps that signal in which zone the intruder has been detected or you can record your own or someone else’s voice, which will then be played back to notify you exactly were the intruder is.

There are many local companies which install both the conventional and wireless systems.

Compare their advice and prices to find the best system. Also ask friends to recommend a good security company, as its quality of service will ultimately be the deciding factor.

Sources: https://www.property24.com/articles/7-myths-about-security-systems/15147, https://wirelessalert.co.za/about-us-2/about-crime/, https://www.roboguard.org.za/index.php, https://www.mighen.co.za/index.php/our-services.html.

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