200 years in jail for ‘savage, evil man’

He slaughtered, stoned and burned his victims.

MBOMBELA – A serial rapist who slaughtered, stoned and even burned one of his victims to death, was sentenced to eight lifetimes in prison in the Circuit High Court on Friday.
The string of crimes that led to Legion Makhubela’s (23) conviction, was described by sentencing judge, Ms Zeenat Carelse as something akin to “a horror movie stretching over two months”.

On September 10, 2013 Makhubela went to the home of Ms Pethasi Mandlazi (81) and Ms Anna Honyini (78) in Mkuhlu. After gaining entry to their home, he hit Honyini in the face with a pick, fracturing her facial bones. She fell down and he cracked her skull before continuing to Mandlazi’s bedroom. He beat her up, fracturing her face and skull. He then raped both mutilated women and killed them. According to a press release from provincial police spokesman, Serg Gerald Sedibe, both victims’ throats had been cut.

Nineteen days later, Makhubela entered the home of a 58-year-old nurse, Ms Kotasana Msesi Thibane. She was attacked with a hammer, raped and burned to death along and her house and belongings torched – after he had helped himself to her laptop and jewellery.

Fourteen days after that, 16-year-old Wendy Mabunda was on her way back from the Mkuhlu Cross Road tavern in the company of Makhubela. According to Sedibe, the latter overpowered Mabunda and smashed her face with a stone until her skull cracked. He then raped her. When he was done, he stoned her to death.

After performing these heinous deeds, Makhubela joined the community policing forum. Carelse recalled a testimony about him, acting as if he had nothing to do with the crimes and wanting to find the killer.

However, investigating officer Const Sibusiso Sibuyi and the Calcutta SAPS’ thorough investigations did not fall for this ploy. They compiled a strong case against him and he was indicted to appear in the High Court in 2014. On Friday Carelse recalled that Makhubela had initially pleaded not guilty. When faced with the evidence against him and the strong case compiled by state advocate Mr Kenneth Mashile, he changed this plea and admitted to committing the crimes.

“The injuries inflicted with the instruments used, could only have come from someone savage and evil beyond words,” Carelse said. For committing four murders, he received four life sentences. The same applied for the four rapes he had committed. The judge added a 15-year sentence for robbery with aggravated circumstances and 10 years for committing arson, which will run concurrently with the effective jail time of 200 years adduced to the accused.

Family members of the victims convened in front of the court building after the proceedings. “I have not slept properly since my granddaughter was killed.
Now, I will sleep well,” said Mabunda’s grandmother, Ms Beauty Mashele.

“The judicial process was a long one, but I am happy about the outcome,” said Mr Elphas Shabangu, a relative of Honyini and Mandlazi. “I am very happy with Constable Sibuyi’s job and that this is finally over,” said Mr Paul Thibane, Kotasana’s brother.

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