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Bomb threat made at Nelspruit SAPS

A bomb threat at the Nelspruit Police Station led to an evacuation of the station and a partial road closure in Bester Street.

The Mbombela SAPS is investigating an incident in which a bomb threat was made at the Nelspruit Police Station on July 17 at about 11:40.

Following the threat, the building was evacuated and the section of Bester Street in front of the station was closed.

According to a provincial police spokesperson, Colonel Donald Mdhluli, “The SAPS’s explosives unit and the K9 unit attended the scene. After verifications were done, the place was declared safe for now.

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“People were then brought back to the station and things are currently running smoothly.”

The provincial police commissioner, Lieutenant General Semakaleng Manamela, strongly warned those who take chances and make empty threats, that the law would deal with them accordingly. “This conduct is uncalled for. State resources were wasted on this exercise; instead these resources could have been used for a genuine call. We promise to hunt down the person or persons behind this prank.”

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