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Fireworks are still a menace

All hell broke loose just before midnight and the thunderous noise went on until 02:00, before it subsided somewhat just to pick up once more in the early hours of January 1.

Despite Umjindi Municipality’s ban on shooting fireworks within the local municipal boundaries, this practice still reared its ugly head, particularly on New Year’s Eve.

The effect this had on house pets and wildlife was devastating. Many cats and dogs – even some that had been given sedatives – became panic-stricken and overcome by fear.

All hell broke loose just before midnight and the thunderous noise went on until 02:00, before it subsided somewhat just to pick up once more in the early hours of January 1.

Chairman of Barberton SPCA, Marcelle Hoffman and her husband left no stone unturned to confiscate fireworks in town. The SAPS joined in. Just after 01:00 Hoffmann and the police made a huge bust behind the taxi rank.

Marcelle was assisted by two other couples, Laura Jane Harrod and Irenecques van Dyk, and Xandri Coetzee and Dillan Botha, who drove around in their vehicles from 11:00 on New Year’s Eve until the early hours of New Year’s Day. These three couples managed to collect many bewildered animals and took them to the SPCA. So if you are one of the owners looking for your pet please, call on the kennels as many animals have not been claimed yet.

Several residents were also on foot walking the streets in search of strays. Others, like Jacky Steyn, did not hesitate to get in her car and provide assistance when contacted by Barberton Times, who headed up the networking.
Social media platforms boomed with postings of residents, the majority of whom were against the use of fireworks.

Most of these postings expressed unbridled anger and frustration at the culprits. One woman had the following to say: “To all the idiots who used fireworks in town – I hope you have enjoyed it as my two dogs did not. To those still shooting in town, if I catch you I’m going to come into your yard and shove that thing somewhere where the sun does not shine,” (translated from Afrikaans). Apart from postings about animals, parents with young children also had their say and did so in no uncertain terms.

Those in the know said there was a huge improvement compared to previous years as people used to let off fireworks from Christmas Day onward. Laura said, “I’m very impressed. Maybe next year there will be even less!”
However, numerous animals were injured unnecessarily and lost their lives and many are still missing, dogs as well as cats.

Barberton Times would like to thank each and every person who did let off fireworks. To the SPCA, Barberton SAPS and everyone who confiscated fireworks and helped animals in need, we express our heartfelt appreciation. Last but not least, we would like to thank Umjindi Municipality for banning fireworks. As with many other rules, this one will also take time to enforce, but considering the improvement on previous years, Barbertonians are definitely getting the message.

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