Dog saved thanks to local resident

"Sifiso managed to give her water while she was still stuck in the wall and I cannot thank him enough for the kindness he showed towards this animal. People like him give me hope that there is still some good out there," said Marcelle.

Thanks to an animal lover, Sifiso Zulu from Emjindini, a dog’s life was saved on Saturday. Zulu phoned the SPCA for help after finding a dog wedged in-between two walls near a shop in Emjindini.

According to him the animal ended up there after local children had chased her. The walls are narrow and in her frenzy to try and escape, she ended up in such a tight spot.

By the time Marcelle Hoffman of the SPCA was informed, the dog had been stuck for more than 24 hours. Assisted by her husband Mathie, and after more than half an hour’s struggle, they managed to free the animal.

“We made use of a recovery strap which I placed underneath her front legs. Her feet were raw and her nails were broken and she had raw abrasions on her legs – in fact she was in such a state by the time we freed her, she was lame.”
They immediately took her to the kennels where she was treated for numerous injuries and given food and water.

“Sifiso managed to give her water while she was still stuck in the wall and I cannot thank him enough for the kindness he showed towards this animal. People like him give me hope that there is still some good out there,” said Marcelle.

Should anyone be aware of cruelty towards animals, do not hesitate to call Marcelle on 082-825-1505 or the kennel manager on 082-462-1457.

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