Rare moon makes its appearance

The total eclipses of super full moons are rare and according to NASA, it has only occurred five times in the 1900s.

LYDENBURG – A very rare and special phenomenon made its appearance on September 27 and 28. This full moon witnessed by various residents is known as a super moon.

The total eclipses of super full moons are rare and according to NASA, it has only occurred five times in the 1900s.

The first was witnessed in 1910, the second in 1928, third in 1946, the fourth

in 1964 and the last occurrence took place in 1982. After this year’s eclipse it is said that another super moon will not happen again for another 18 years.

The next one is only expected on

October 8, 2033. The newspaper asked its readers to share some of their pictures with us. Here are Joey du Plessis’s spectacular images of the eclipse.

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