Children flip over plane rides

The DA sponsored Supatsela Edu-Tours' initiative to give 10 children a flip over Mbombela.

MBOMBELA – A private company teamed up with the DA this morning to give children from disadvantaged backgrounds the experience of a lifetime, namely a flip in a small plane.

The initiative belonged to Godfrey Nkadimeng from Supatsela Edu-Tours. “The class of 1976 was known as the MaSupatsela and I also want to be a revolutionary,” he explained of his idea to enrich people’s lives by seeing the world from a different perspective.

Nkadimeng said he first approached the EFF and ANC with the idea to sponsor 10 children a plane ride, but when neither showed interest the DA leaped at it.

Mr Anthony Benadie, the party’s provincial leader, said the flip was something completely different from the usual Mandela Day activities. Kishugu ran the planes at Nelspruit Airfield.

“The DA is proud to have been part of an initiative aimed at educating Mbombela’s youth about the different career opportunities available to them and of exposing young people to the beauty of this region,” he said.

The criteria for selecting children were an interest in aviation, explained the deputy principal of Lihawu Secondary School, Mr Michael Lukhele, who accompanied some pupils from Pienaar. After the 10-minute flip over Mbombela, one of his charges, Eldina Mawunye, said it was exhilarating and she wanted to go again.

“They all come from poor backgrounds and study science and maths at school,” Lukhele explained. “This has been the opportunity of a lifetime.”

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